Monday, August 23, 2010

"I'm finding out that taking my life to the next level is all about discovery. Being aware of the world around you requires you to pay attention to everyone and everything. But in order to stay grounded, you have to stay true to yourself."-Ashley Olsen in Influenced

Friday, July 30, 2010

Till next summer

As summer is coming to a end (finally) and we are all starting to pack up our things and spread out around the south, i have come to realize how thankful i am for the relationships that i have developed even more over the summer!

Out of my closest group of girlfriends here in baton rouge, we managed to cover every state from Texas to Alabama, so coming back together during the summer has been fun to say the least!

We have learned we can count on each other
We have learned that we can call each other NO matter what
We have Spent every second together
We have gotten in fights but have learned that our friendship is way more important
We celebrated a birthday, a sisters wedding, 4th of July, debutant parties and just celebrated our time together in general
So as the first one of us starts to head back to school tomorrow morning, I think we can all look back on the memories we made and be thankful that they were all made Together.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I think this picture Speaks for itself! I don't know what it is about this picture but every time I look at it I am Inspired to do just what it says; to be fully focused and whole-hearted towards everything I commit to!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Do you Dig this?

Since I have a 70's themed debutant party coming up this week, i decided to do a little research on what the Retro style was really all about, and i must admit i am in love with it! Twiggy has always been one of my favorite super models and was excited to find out that the 70's was the time in which she started to rule the fashion world.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Pile it on

I am so excited about fall, its my favorite season to dress for and I am loving what new styles are coming up! One of my favorite fall styles is layering! And here's the trick? suggest: Throw on lots and lots of (inexpensive) layers, the mix of patterns and cool fabrics make the look instantly fresh.

Here are some of my favorite looks from Jcrew, they have the layering method down perfectly! The best part about this trend is we have most of the items already in our closests! Rather than buying new stuff, pile on what we already have and just add a few statement items!

This has to be the seasons easiest way to look a million bucks!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

"You're Never 

Fully Dressed
Without a Smile"

Monday, July 12, 2010

Labeled Love

"Love....the one label that never goes out of style" -Sex and the City

Saturday, July 10, 2010


As much as I love summer, hanging out with friends and not having much of a schedule, I think i am ready to get back and see all my friends that i was so lucky to meet this year!

So here's to a bittersweet ending of the summer, and a whole new upcoming school year!  

Thursday, July 8, 2010


I don't know if it is the fact that Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen are twins just like me or if it is the fact that they accomplished so much at a young age, but I have a obsession with everything they do!

At just 24 they have already appeared on to many magazine covers to count, started two high fashion lines; The row and Elizabeth and James; stared in hundreds of movies, written several books and have changed the celebrity world for young teens. I don't think there is much they haven't covered.

  How cool are they?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Some of my Favs!

If you know me well you know i have an obsession with fashion magazines, here are some of my favorite fashion moments from Vogue and Nylon 

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Fashion Icon

"Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance." -Coco Chanel
The first style icon that came to my mind after reading this was of course Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. The minute Jackie O. took her position as the First Lady she became the classic American Fashion icon. She changed American fashion forever by introducing a look that was crisp, clean, simple, and young.
Jackie truly understood the real essences of fashion and helped women understand that you didn't have to look overseas to find fashions that were elegant and chic. I mean really where would the fashion world be today without the A-line dress and pillbox hats?

Jackie always knew exactly what she wanted. Her style was precise; she was bold and confident.

I think this is the kind of women we should be. Confident in who we are, bold in making decisions, and a leader to others. And of course not afraid to take a few fashion risk, because where would we be today in fashion if Jackie didn't take the same risk?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Just Play

Innocently dancing and singing around in the kitchen to Taylor Swift and Hannah Montana, while using our spoons as microphones, and taking turns stirring what we all secretly hoped would turn out to be a good bowl of mac and cheese. I realized.....Why can't life always be like this? i mean why not?

The Two little girls i babysit make fun out of anything! we go exploring and find hidden tree houses, we leave our names inscribed in the tree so that when we come back we know we have been there before, we cook every meal and don't worry about the huge mess until we are finished eating the whole meal, we go on the Internet and email boys and sit around for their one word responses and giggle cause they finally noticed us now, we go to the pool when it's raining just so we can order ice cream, and last we run back to our car the long way just so we can play in the rain.

Through theses girls God has reminded me the little joys in life, to take my time and enjoy things around me, to not hold back any of my feelings and when all else fails Smile!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Express yourself

One of my favorite things to do is paint, and i know morgan is always there for me when i want to do so! We always help each other to become more creative!
Here's Morgan's finished painting. i am in love with it and it looks perfect in her room! She has a true talent! This is only one of many paintings and crafts we have done together. We are always coming up with new creative ways to pass time and spend time together and caught up.
This one is mine, didnt really know what i was going for but me and morgan were trying to create some abstract art, didnt turn out to abstract but it was still fun to do!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Being a twin has been God greatest gift to me in life! For me Ainsley is my best friend, a partner in crime, someone you can always count on and best of all a college roommate; i mean really who could ask for more?
This year we have really learned to count on one another, if it was a late night ride or just being their for each other when different forms of "Love" were thrown our way. Having a sister around has been the greatest blessing in the world! Now that Freshmen year is under our belt i think we will take a few more risk, laugh a lot more, share new memories, go out more with our new best friends, and wont hold back in being ourselves! Because we are now more than ever confident in the fact that we have each others back (not that we didnt before, its just a little different being away from home and on our own) and knowing we will always have someone to go to; a best friend and sister!