Saturday, June 19, 2010


Being a twin has been God greatest gift to me in life! For me Ainsley is my best friend, a partner in crime, someone you can always count on and best of all a college roommate; i mean really who could ask for more?
This year we have really learned to count on one another, if it was a late night ride or just being their for each other when different forms of "Love" were thrown our way. Having a sister around has been the greatest blessing in the world! Now that Freshmen year is under our belt i think we will take a few more risk, laugh a lot more, share new memories, go out more with our new best friends, and wont hold back in being ourselves! Because we are now more than ever confident in the fact that we have each others back (not that we didnt before, its just a little different being away from home and on our own) and knowing we will always have someone to go to; a best friend and sister!

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